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Primitive Pursuits, a program of Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County based in Ithaca, will offer two Wilderness Skills Intensive programs this spring, during and after the spring academic semester. The course will cover a wide variety of primitive technology skills, naturalist skills and teaching methods. The skills to be gained by completing this program are highly valued in both traditional and outdoor education spheres. 

Join us at our upcoming demonstration and info session to learn more about this transformative and exciting opportunity directly from the instructor. Information on summer employment and internship opportunities with Primitive Pursuits will also be shared. The session will be presented twice: at noon and again at 6 PM in CNS 115 on Tues 10 November. Please join us!! 

Primitive Pursuits has been a local leader in the nature awareness movement for over ten years, and our year-round programs for youth and adults currently serve over 1000 participants annually. If you have questions and cannot make the information session, please contact Primitive Pursuits at (607) 272-2292 ext. 195 or email 

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Carol Hansen at or (607) 274-1822. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Primitive Pursuits Will Host a Demonstration and Information Session on Their Wilderness Skills Intensive Program on Tues 10 November | 0 Comments |
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