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DIIS (formerly ITS) will cover the modest registration costs for faculty interested in participating in The Sakai Virtual Conference on Wednesday, November 4th.  The conference runs from 9 am -5 pm but you can watch from your desk and only view what interests you.  Check out the full conference program at this linkRequests for registration are due by Tuesday, November 3 at NOON.  Please email Marilyn Dispensa if you are interested in getting a registration key.  (

These sessions will be held completely online and will emphasize pedagogy and best practices.  Presenters are from institutions that use Sakai such as Oxford University, Rutgers University, Brock University, University of Notre Dame, NYU, Pepperdine and others

Conference Web site.

This will be a great opportunity to see how instructors at other institutions use Sakai.

Sakai Virtual Conference - Wed, Nov 4. Registrations available for faculty | 0 Comments |
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