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 The Ithaca College Speech and Debate Team had a very successful weekend.

The team competed in the Suffolk Fall Classic Speech Tournament on October 24 in Boston, MA.  IC dominated the debate competition finishing in the top three spots after four preliminary debates and then closed out the final round.  Junior Charlie Vaca (Politics/Accounting, ’17) finished in first place, Jose Escano (Legal Studies, ’16) finished second and Shelby Johnston (Biochemistry, ’19) finished third. Sean Themea (Communication Studies, '16) was also recognized with a speaker's award for debate. Elijah Breton (Communication Studies/Sports Studies, ’16) finished in third place in Interpretation of Prose. The team's overall performance resulted in a fourth place sweepstakes award for the tournament which was attended by more than a dozen schools. 

The team will travel to St Anselm College in mid-November for their next competition. 

Ithaca sweeps debate division at Suffolk University | 1 Comments |
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Ithaca sweeps debate division at Suffolk University Comment from herlich on 10/30/15
Congratulations to these talented, well-prepared students and their fearless faculty leader--Scott Thomson.