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 Don't miss this opportunity to network with employers! Site visits fill up FAST so don't wait!

 Get a first-hand glimpse into the professional world by visiting companies during winter break through Road Trips to the Real World.  This series of employer site visits is scheduled for January 4-15, 2016.  If you are searching for a job or internship, or just want to explore careers, you should make plans to participate.


Attending a site visit will provide you with an opportunity to network with employers.  Site visits may include panel discussions of employees and/or interns, site tours, or networking sessions.


Any Ithaca College student is eligible to register.  Registration opens on October 16 on a first-come, first-served basis so be sure to register early for the best selection of sites. The last day of registration is December 4.


Please note that there is a non-refundable fee of $10 per site which must be paid by the student at the time of registration.  Students are only allowed to sign up for a maximum of 5 visits.

Transportation is not provided for this program.


Road Trips to the Real World is sponsored by Ithaca College and the Eastern Association of Colleges and Employers (EACE).  


To access the registration website and view a list of participating organizations, please click here.

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