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Books Thru Bars has a book mailing coming up! We will read letters from prisoners, collect, and package books. Join us at 10am on Saturday Nov. 7th in Taughannock Falls Room (on the third floor of campus center, to the left of the SAC). 

If you have never been to a book mailing before, this would be a great event to come to! We have plenty of letters and free candy for everyone!  This event is sponsored by IC BTB is a community service organization that send books to prisoners throughout NY state and promote literacy for everyone, despite their circumstances. 

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Ngan Tran at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.


IC Books Thru Bars - Book Mailing Saturday November 7th - 10am Taughannock Falls Room | 0 Comments |
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