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Native American Month

Contributed by RahK Lash on 11/02/15 

 Ithaca College celebrates the rich history and cultures of the natives of our land. Our campus comes together for several events, lectures and other programs to commemorate the influence native cultures have had on our lives and the history of our country.



  • "Not Your (Great White) Father's Mascots: The Rising Visibility of Native American Athletes" with Dr. Michael Taylor. November 4. 7:00pm. Clark Lounge


  •  "Re-Thinking Thanksgiving" with Perry Ground. November 11. 6:00pm Williams 225


  • "The Lesser Blessed" Film Screening. November 12. 6:30pm. Textor 103


  • "This May be the End" Fim Screening. November 18. 6:30pm. Textor 103


  • Active Minds: "Cultural Perspectives on Mental Health"November 19. 6:00pm. Textor 102.


Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact OSEMA at or (607) 274-3222. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

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