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IC's MTNA Chapter welcomes Piano Faculty Laura Amoriello to present "Mindful Performing"Contributed by Laura Amoriello on 11/03/15 IC's chapter of the Music Teachers National Association welcomes their faculty sponsor, Assistant Professor of Piano Laura Amoriello, who will present "Mindful Performing," a lecture on performance anxiety. The event will take place Monday, November 9th at 6:00 pm in Iger Lecture Hall (Room 2105) in Whalen Center. Strategies to manage performance anxiety, including mindfulness and re-writing negative self-talk, are not limited to musicians; all are encouraged to attend and support IC's MTNA chapter. IC's chapter of the Music Teachers National Association welcomes their faculty sponsor, Assistant Professor of Piano Laura Amoriello, who will present "Mindful Performing," a lecture on performance anxiety. The event will take place Monday, November 9th at 6:00 pm in Iger Lecture Hall (Room 2105) in Whalen Center. Strategies to manage performance anxiety, including mindfulness and re-writing negative self-talk, are not limited to musicians; all are encouraged to attend and support IC's MTNA chapter. |
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