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I would like to invite you to the second informal gathering of folks on campus interested in SoTL. This gathering (and future ones) will be called eponomously—SoTL in a Bottle—as we share ideas and drinks at The Argos Inn during happy hour (4PM).

In addition to convivial hilarity, we will share our SotL ideas, projects, woes, stumbling blocks, and successes. The idea is to bring awareness and foster connections in our growing community of scholarly teachers and SoTL researchers. The upcoming SOTL in a Bottle will be Friday, November 13th, 4pm at the Argos Inn. To let me know if you can attend, please fill out this 1-minute form. Thank you!

At our inaugural SoTL in a Bottle, there was a request for a Sakai site so we could share resources. That Sakai site is now up and running and can be found here:

Please feel free to forward this announcement to others you think may be interested. If you could also forward their email to me (, I will be sure to include them on subsequent events and add them to the Sakai site. If you would like to be removed from the site, please don’t hesitate to let me know that too. The following SoTL in a Bottle will be on Friday, December 4th at 4pm. Mark your calendars now!

Thanks, and looking forward to seeing you!

Debbie Rifkin 

Associate Professor, Music Theory

Upcoming SoTL in a Bottle - (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning) - Friday, November 13th, 2015, 4PM, The Argos Inn | 0 Comments |
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