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New Gross Anatomy Course

Contributed by Jim Yaggie on 11/04/15 

In the upcoming Winter Session (January 11th-22nd), a new course in gross anatomical dissection will be offered to qualified students at Ithaca College. The course titled, Gross Anatomical Dissection: Upper Quarter (HINT 39000), is intended to offer students with a background in human anatomy (eg: PTBS 31300 & BIOL 20600 or ESS 12000 & 12100) an opportunity to perform anatomical dissections and take their knowledge of anatomy to a new level.

This course includes lecture (1 hour/day) that compliments human anatomical dissection (3 hours/day) of the upper quarter of the body. Detailed dissections of the musculature of the back, neck, chest and upper extremity will be completed. Dissection of selected facial structures, the spinal column/cord and thoracic viscera will also be discussed and examined. Students will placed in small groups and will perform all aspects of dissection (maximum of 4 students per cadaveric donor). Open seats are limited. Qualified students may register for Winter Session through Homer. Those with alternate pre-requisites may inquire with the course instructor to gain approval for registration. Please contact Dr. Jim Yaggie ( with questions. Lab fees apply (see course description for details)

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