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If you will be studying abroad in the winter or spring of 2016 on ANY affiliated, non-affiliated, or exchange program (NOT the London Center), you must attend one or two study abroad orientations, as well as meet with an adviser in the Office of International Programs (OIP) to go over required Ithaca College paperwork. 

Post-Acceptance Paperwork Appointment

If you have not yet met with someone in the OIP, please be sure to schedule an appointment ASAP. If this paperwork is not completed and submitted prior to the end of this semester, you may not be able to get credit or any eligible financial aid for your study abroad program.  

Mandatory Orientations

Below are the times and dates of the upcoming mandatory orientations. Come to the ones that work best for your schedule, and be certain to sign-in online using the URL provided at the orientation so that we know you attended.  NOTE: London Center students do NOT need to attend the below orientations.

**Students going abroad in the Spring must attend BOTH the Traveling Abroad and the Ithaca College Details sessions**

**Students going abroad in the Winter ONLY need to attend the Traveling Abroad session**


  • Tuesday 11/10, 12:10-1:00 pm, Textor 101
  • Thursday 12/3, 12:10-1:00 pm, Textor 101
  • Monday 12/7, 6:00-7:00 pm, Textor 103


  • Thursday 11/12, 12:10-1:00 pm, Textor 101
  • Tuesday 12/1, 12:10-1:00 pm, Textor 101
  • Monday 12/7, 7:00-8:00 pm, Textor 103

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact the Office of International Programs at or 274-3306. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

The Office of International Programs is located on the 2nd floor of Job Hall.  For questions or to set up an appointment, email, call 274-3306, or stop by anytime between 9:00-5:00.

Studying abroad in the winter or spring? Study abroad orientations coming up soon! | 0 Comments |
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