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Need an ICC Course for spring 2016?

Contributed by Dan Breen on 11/08/15 

The Department of English will be offering Humanities-perspective courses in five of the six themes, including a brand new course in Quest for a Sustainable Future, ENGL 19417 Earth Works.  English will also be offering several WI courses, and two diversity courses.

Here is the complete list of ICC courses that English plans to offer in the spring.   If you have any questions, please contact Dan Breen, the chair of the Department of English, at, or 607-274-1014.

Themes and Perspectives Courses

ENGL 10900 Introduction to Drama
     --ICC Themes:  Identities; Mind, Body, Spirit

ENGL 11300 Introduction to Poetry
     --ICC Themes:  Identities; Inquiry, Imagination, and Innovation

ENGL 19406 The Search for Self in Short Stories
     --ICC Theme:  Identities

ENGL 19408 The Power of Injustice and the Injustice of Power:  Life at the Margins in American Literature
      --ICC Themes:  Identities; Power and Justice

ENGL 19409 Mysterious Muddles and Commonplace Crimes:  Gothic Novels and Detective Fiction
     --ICC Theme: Inquiry, Imagination, and Innovation

ENGL 19411 Faking It:  Reality Hunger in the Age of Artifice
     --ICC Theme:  World of Systems

ENGL 19416 Coming of Age in Modernity:  Fictions of (Arrested) Development
     --ICC Theme:  Identities (designation pending)

ENGL 19417 Earth Works:  Literature, Nature, and the Environment
     --ICC Themes:  Quest for a Sustainable Future and Mind, Body, Spirit (designations pending)

ENGL 21900 Shakespeare
     --ICC Themes:  Identities and Inquiry, Imagination, and Innovation

Diversity Courses

ENGL 19408 The Power of Injustice and the Injustice of Power:  Life at the Margins in American Literature
ENGL 22100 Survey of African American Literature

Writing Intensive Courses

ENGL 20100 Approaches to Literary Study
ENGL 31100 Dramatic Literature I
ENGL 31900 Great American Writers before 1890
ENGL 32400 Literature of the Bible



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