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Foreign Policy & Free Pizza

Contributed by Sean Themea on 11/09/15 

 Veterans' Day is upon us; spend a portion of it with IC Young Americans for Liberty, enjoying pizza & discussing counter-terrorism.


On Wednesday, November 11, at 8 PM in BUS 104, we will be joined via Skype with Jim Harper, Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute. Harper argues that modern counterterrorism policies are self-defeating and bring needless war, wasted wealth, and less freedom. He will also sketch an alternative counterterrorism and homeland security strategy—one that makes us safer and plays to Americans’ confidence rather than our fear.


About the Speaker:
Harper is the author of the book "Terrorizing Ourselves: Why U.S. Counterterrorism Policy is Failing and How to Fix It." He has worked to adapt law and policy to the information age in areas such as privacy, cybersecurity, telecommunications, intellectual property, counterterrorism, government transparency, and digital currency.

Individuals requiring accomodations should contact Sean Themea at as soon as possible.

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