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 Assessing Communication and Information Needs of

Community Dwelling Older Adults in Tompkins County

Amy Johnstone, Natalie Lang, Danielle O’Donnell and Kelly Pettigrew, graduate students of the occupational therapy program at Ithaca College invite you to participate in this research study. The title of the study is Assessing Communication and Information Needs of Community Dwelling Older Adults in Tompkins County. The purpose of the study is to identify how older adults (60+) within Tompkins County obtain information and news about the community. The results of this research will be used to provide the Ithaca Area Agency on Aging with information regarding barriers that prevent elders from receiving area information and communicating with others in the community. This information will aid in transforming Ithaca into an age friendly community. The results of this study may be published in scientific research journals and/or presented at professional conferences, however your identity will remain anonymous.



 Participation in this study will require up to one hour of your time. You will be asked to complete a survey to determine how you communicate with and receive information from your community. Assistance from the researchers will be available if needed. The risk of participating in this research does not exceed that which is ordinarily encountered in daily life or in the routine surveys of the general population.


You may choose to withdraw from this study at any time without any penalty, and/or omit any questions you do not wish to answer. For information or if you have any questions following the completion of this study, please contact Lynn Gitlow at (607)274-1532. Thank you for your time and help with this important research.

By clicking the link and taking the survey, I acknowledge that I am over 60 years of age and willing to participate.

When you have completed the survey, please follow directions to submit your survey. Feel free to submit a blank or incomplete survey. If you wish to be entered into a raffle for a Wegmans gift card, please provide us with your contact information in the last question option. It will be kept separate from your responses in order to remain anonymity. Thank you for your time and for helping us with this research.

Anyone over 60 please help with our graduate research | 0 Comments |
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