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You are at increased risk for developing pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes if you:

  • Are 45 years of age or older
  • Are overweight
  • Have a parent with diabetes
  • Have a sister or brother with diabetes
  • Have a family background that is African-American, Hispanic/Latino, American-Indian, Asian-American, or Pacific-Islander
  • Had diabetes while pregnant (gestational diabetes), or gave birth to a baby weighing 9 pounds or more
  • Are physically active less than three times a week

If these factors apply to you, know that there are lifestyle changes which can prevent complications with diabetes. For example, you can make healthy eating changes! Learning how to eat right is an important part of controlling your diabetes. Remember though, eating healthy is not just for people with diabetes!

What healthy choices should you make? Start by eating smaller portions and less fat. You especially want to limit foods that are high in saturated fats or trans-fat, such as fatty cuts of meat, fried foods, whole milk and dairy products, and cakes, candy, and cookies.

There are great ways to swap unhealthy foods for healthier choices. For example, swap whole milk for 2% milk and you’re already making a positive step! There are lots of ways to make healthy changes, and reduce your risk for complications with diabetes.

Interested in learning more? Want some ideas for new recipes? Check out this link: Tasty Recipes - DiabetesAlso, check out our website by clicking here for more information about our Diabetes Awareness Campaign. 

What You Should Know about Diabetes | 0 Comments |
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