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Civility, Respect, and IC Pride

Contributed by Molly Israel on 11/12/15 

Posted on behalf of President Tom Rochon

This has been a challenging, emotional, and important week in the history of Ithaca College. 

First, I want to offer my condolences to the friends, classmates, faculty, and loved ones of Shannon Sakosits and remind all members of the IC community that professional staff from the Center for Counseling and Psychological Services and members of the college’s Mental Health Response Team (MHRT) are available to provide counseling and support. 

This week, our campus has also been host to continued protest by members of our community who are passionately and peacefully calling attention to issues of racism and bias on our campus and across the nation. I am proud of the way in which our activists have conducted themselves, and I know that their energy and commitment are contributing to the positive changes that are strengthening our community.

There is another conversation happening about Ithaca College that is nothing to be proud of. With heightened media visibility has come a surge on social media of hateful, racist, belittling, and, at times, threatening language toward our student activists. I know that some of those comments come from far outside Ithaca College, but I also know that others are coming from people on our campus. Ithaca College must be better than this ugly behavior. The activists on our campus have my respect, and they deserve yours as well.

I want to remind you that IC is committed to maintaining a campus environment where it is safe for all members of our community to learn, work and live. We expect all members of our community to behave in a way that honors that commitment.

To maintain an environment of inclusion, respect and safety, the college will not tolerate harassment or threats of any kind anywhere on campus or in connection with any college-sponsored programs or events. Any threats to our community or members of our community, including those made on social media, will be investigated and addressed.

If someone is threatening you or someone else, immediately call the Office of Public Safety at (607) 274-3333 (or 911 from an on-campus phone). Your report will be investigated, and this includes reports of threats made on social media. Information about additional safety and support services can be found at

Students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the student code of conduct, which the college will continue to uphold.

I am looking forward to the Cortaca Jug game this weekend, and to sharing our beautiful campus and our community pride with our alumni and other visitors. This weekend is the perfect time for our community to come together and celebrate the IC spirit and traditions that unite us all.

Tom Rochon

Civility, Respect, and IC Pride | 2 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Civility, Respect, and IC Pride Comment from cmassicci on 11/12/15
Very well said, President Rochon!
Civility, Respect, and IC Pride Comment from jgroome on 11/12/15
I am a very PROUD alumni and staff member of Ithaca College and I BELIEVE we can work TOGETHER to be UNITED. Respectfully,
Joanie Groome M.S. 1984, College Lecturer