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The Office of International Programs (OIP) would like to invite all faculty and staff to attend our upcoming workshops designed to assist in the development of short-term study abroad programs.  The workshops are offered as a two-part series. We recommend that those interested in developing short-term study abroad opportunities for Ithaca College students attend both workshops (Program Planning and Proposal Submission Logistics and Risk Management and Student Safety) in order to have a full understanding of the process and requirements for designing and leading short-term study abroad programs.

Risk Management and Student Safety in Short-term Study Abroad Programs:

-Tuesday, November 17 12:10-1:00 (Center for Faculty Excellence, 316 Gannett Center)

This workshop will feature Nancy Pringle, Vice President and General Counsel, as our guest speaker. We will discuss claims and court decisions that have arisen in the context of international programs involving college students; steps faculty and staff can take to help protect the health and safety of their students from reasonably foreseeable harm on study abroad; proactive risk assessment and crisis management; and specific risk reduction & mitigation techniques that we employ to better protect students, faculty, and staff on short-term study abroad programs.

Program Planning and Proposal Submission Logistics for Short-term Study Abroad Programs:

-Thursday, November 19, 12:10-1:00 (209 Job Hall)

In this workshop we will discuss the Ithaca College program proposal and approval process; guidelines for working with outside organizations for program planning & implementation, the student application and admission process; and International Programs and group leader collaboration

If you are interested in attending, please register for the workshop(s) by Monday, November 16.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact the Office of International Programs at or (607) 274-3306. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.


If you are interested in leading a short-term study abroad program but are not able to attend the workshops, please feel free to contact Rachel to schedule an individual meeting.  You can also read more about the process in the publication Procedures for Developing and Implementing Short-term Study and Educational Travel Abroad at Ithaca College

Please note the following upcoming deadlines for submitting proposals for short-term study abroad programs for 2016-17:

Fall Break & Thanksgiving Break 2016 programs
Intent form due: September 15, 2015
Proposal due: November 30, 2015                                                              

Winter Break 2016-17 programs
Intent form due: November 15, 2015
Proposal due: February 15, 2016

Spring Break 2017 programs
Intent form due: December 15, 2015
Proposal due: March 15, 2016

Summer 2017 session programs

Intent form due: February 29, 2016
Proposal due: May 31, 2016

Workshops for faculty and staff interested in developing short-term study abroad programs | 0 Comments |
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