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Exciting news from DIIS

Contributed by Marishya Y. Weiss on 11/17/15 

submitted on behalf of Keith W. "Mac" McIntosh

Your new Digital Instruction and Information Services (DIIS) (formerly Information Technology Services) department is currently in transition and hard at work transforming our services.  At Tuesday’s “Dollars and $ense,” we shared information about our new Strategic Plan, new Organization, and new Governance process with attendees.  We encourage you to visit our new DIIS web site ( to learn more about our transition.

We also shared some exciting news about the following new initiatives we are launching or will launch soon.  Please watch for the individual Intercom announcements for each coming soon.

  1. – now available for all students, faculty, and staff
  2. OneDrive for Business – now live!
  3. Kaltura – streaming video for courses
  4. SharePoint – coming soon
  5. Digital Signage

Keith W. "Mac" McIntosh
Associate Vice President and Chief Information Officer
Digital Instruction and Information Services (DIIS)
310 Job Hall

Exciting news from DIIS | 3 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Exciting news from DIIS Comment from rgilmour on 11/18/15
How can we access
Exciting news from DIIS Comment from mgorney on 11/18/15
Hi Ron,
You can access from myHome. If you are already logged into outlook web
app or other Office365 online services it will log you right in to

If not, you should select login on the hompage. Select
Organization Login and at the very bottom you want to type in
as the organization, then hit go. A new screen will appear that you need to
log into. Once you do that, you should be directed to and
logged in.

It will ask you about a previous account. Say yes if you want to
migrate your history etc...

Hope that helps!!
Exciting news from DIIS Comment from rgilmour on 11/18/15
Thanks, Matt! has great content and I'm very excited that we have institutional access. This will be a great resource for the campus.