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Following an investigation by the Office of Public Safety, Ithaca College has identified a current student as the person responsible for posting two threatening messages related to the Cortaca football game to the Yik Yak social media platform on November 11 and 12. The student was referred judicially for harassment and cyber bullying under the Student Conduct Code. Because of federal privacy laws, neither the name of the student nor the outcome of the judicial process can be made public.

As noted by President Rochon in his message last week to the campus community, Ithaca College is committed to maintaining an environment where it is safe for everyone to learn, work, and live. Any threats to our community or members of our community, including those made on social media, will be investigated and addressed.

If someone is threatening you or if you see a threat made to someone else, immediately call the Office of Public Safety at (607) 274-3333 (or 911 from an on-campus phone).

Student Referred Judicially for Posting Threatening Social Media Messages | 0 Comments |
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