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Join us at the Ithaca College Department of Art Creative Space Gallery for the opening of the the first annual Print Fair this Friday!

The Print Fair will feature an exhibition of prints including etchings, woodcuts, lithographs, silkscreen and more! During this exhibition, visitors will have an opportunity to meet the artists, and purchase prints from them. Come and support the work of Ithaca College art students.


Also join us for the opening of Behind the Layers: Demons Within new sculptural work by Stanislav Mehne.


Opening reception: Friday December 4th 5-8pm

The exhibition will run December 3-6 12-5pm daily

215 East State Street on the Downtown Ithaca Commons


Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Bill Hastings at or (607) 274-7014. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Art Department Creative Space Gallery Print Fair | 0 Comments |
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