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Bring Back Recess with the RLS department! 12/6 5-7pm in the Fitness Center

Put down the books it's time for recess!

Join students from the Recreation and Leisure Studies Department on December 5th from 5-7pm in the Fitness Center for a night of nostalgia. Stop by and give the rock wall a try! Come play four square, jump rope, learn your fortune with a round of MASH and other childhood favorites- all while enjoying your favorite schoolyard snacks!

Are you still trying to decide on your major? Or looking to pick up a minor? Then come on down and meet some faculty and students from the Recreation and Leisure Studies Department! There will be information on the department and we'll be there to answer questions.

Join the Facebook event for the most up to date information!

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Courtney Leo at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Bring Back Recess with the RLS department! 12/6 5-7pm in the Fitness Center | 0 Comments |
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