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BIOL 10210 Biology of Sex 
CRN 44267

This course has the two themes:
1. Identities
2. Inquiry Imagination and Innovation

This is a general education course intended for non-science majors. Lecture/discussion: Three hours. 3 credits. (S,O) Distribution 2A,LA,NS,SC,TIDE,TIII

An evolutionary analysis of reproductive behavior, taking a comparative approach among animals, including humans, to better understand our own sexuality and behavior in a biological context.

Topics include asexual and sexual reproduction; sex determination; genetic and environmental determinants of sexual behavior; male and female tactics; mating systems (monogamy, polyandry, polygyny); conflict of interests between the sexes; courtship displays; mate choice; assuring paternity; and parental care.


ICC Natural Science courses-new course OFFERING- BIOL-10210 TR 2:35 | 0 Comments |
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