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The Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs is looking for some outstanding student leaders to be nominated for the Peggy Ryan Williams Award for Academic and Community Leadership. The PRWAACL recognizes outstanding juniors and seniors who excel in academic performance, perform service to the Ithaca community and beyond, and represent an exemplary level of accomplishment. 

With a nomination, students will get an email to encourage them to apply for the award. In order to nominate a student we will need their first name, last name and email. Nominations are due Friday, December 11. You can fill out the nomination form here or send me a list of students you work with in an excel document. Feel free to check out our website to see more information on the award as well as see last year’s recipients, some of whom are members of this year’s senior class.


Nominate a Junior or Senior for the Peggy Ryan Williams Award for Academic and Community Leadership | 0 Comments |
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