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 Want to have a fun night AND help the senior class produce an awesome event? 


Friday December 11th, 8-11pm is the senior class semi formal in Emerson Suites! We need volunteers to help with setup, sitting on buses, coat check, ticket collection, and more! 

You MUST be available 6:30pm-12pm (probably not that late, but must be available if need be!) Training will be provided as well as food! Come out and help with this awesome and fun event! You are encouraged to dress up! The theme is Fire and Ice! 

Please fill out this form! Email with any questions!





Individuals requiring accommodations should contact Samantha Stafford at or (607) 274-3222. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Volunteers needed! Senior Class Semi Formal! | 0 Comments |
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