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In January, evaluation sessions will be held for student ICC portfolio submissions from the Writing Intensive, Ithaca Seminar, and Quantitative Literacy ICC requirements. Sessions begin with discussion of using the evaluation rubric, including norming activities, and evaluators then review individual student artifact submissions.

There will be two days for each area:

Ithaca Seminar: Jan 11th & 12th
Writing Intensive: Jan 12th & 13th
Quantitative Literacy: Jan 12th & 13th

Coffee and lunch are provided both days of each session and evaluators are paid a stipend of $500 for each two day session.

Faculty interested in evaluating during these sessions should email and indicate which session is of interest -- Writing Intensive, Ithaca Seminar, OR Quantitative Literacy.

Thank you,
Vincent DeTuri
Associate Professor of Chemistry
Director of the Integrative Core Curriculum

Faculty Evaluators Needed for January ICC Learning Portfolio Artifact Evaluations | 0 Comments |
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