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A 'Thank You' From Gerald Hector

Contributed by Molly Israel on 12/17/15 

Posted on behalf of Gerald Hector, Vice President for Finance and Administration

On Wednesday, December 16, from 3 to 5 p.m., we staged a campus community event where we viewed excerpts of the documentary “The Color of Fear,” after which we engaged in very robust and heartfelt discussions. 

First, I would like to issue an apology to the faculty and students concerning the date and time chosen for the event. In an effort to follow through on a commitment made to our students last Friday at the Free Speech Rock to have more discussions around race, diversity and inclusion before the semester ended, I mistakenly scheduled the event during exam week. I have since been informed that no extracurricular activities should be scheduled during that time. Thank you to the faculty members who shared that bit of information with me both directly and indirectly.

Second, we would like to thank the faculty, staff and students who did make time to participate. Like our students at the demonstration last Friday, they demonstrated tremendous courage to enter a space to speak openly and candidly about race, diversity and inclusion on our campus. The most salient points were tied to our collective misunderstandings and misperceptions that have been hidden, and in some instances suppressed, for such a long time. Those of us who were in attendance learned something about the history of race relations on our campus, and also in the greater Ithaca community.

We appreciate everyone’s willingness to share their stories and lived experiences. They shape our common understanding and help us continue a dialogue that will lead to meaningful change on our campus. Now that we have the knowledge, context, and preliminary understanding about perceptions and realities, the onus and responsibility are upon us all to work together to resolve them.

It was made clear in Wednesday’s discussion that this issue is going to take a collective approach to be effective. It cannot be addressed by one constituent group, but by all of us coming together, with a common and shared understanding that we want to see Ithaca College become stronger.

We collected all of the thoughts and comments shared at the event around strategies that can refocus our efforts. We are hopeful that in the spring semester we will be able to get further input from students, faculty and staff who were not in attendance. We also heard that some people had put forward ideas previously that were not acted upon, and we must consider those as well. This feedback is vital in shaping the strategy that will enhance the Ithaca College experience for us all.

We all acknowledged on Wednesday that our foundation must first be set before we can start building. However, we also recognized and acknowledged that the foundation starts with each of us reflecting on how we can become actively involved in the process.

We have embarked on a purposeful journey, and we will need all members of the Ithaca College community to embrace, manage, and become the change we seek. We have started, which is key, and it is our desire to continue to have these honest, open and transparent dialogues. They will lead to the solutions that are necessary to ensure that we have the most welcoming and inviting campus community for all people who want to have an Ithaca College experience.

Happy Holidays to everyone, and a Happy New Year when it arrives!


Gerald L. Hector
Vice President for Finance and Administration

A 'Thank You' From Gerald Hector | 2 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
A 'Thank You' From Gerald Hector Comment from dgreen on 12/18/15
Thank you Dr. Hector. May I just say that as an ALANA STAFF member, I hear nothing about these "events" until they are in progress, and/or I am walking by, and/or the office work study students advise me during or after the fact. At this point, I am not sure where fault for the lack of staff communication lies, but I will say that I have not heard of any of the speaks, walk outs/ins, peaceful protests, or any such events, until after the fact. I don't think I work in a cave, but work does limit my time to go to the Ithacan for news and event notifications - again, our work study students advise us of most of these happenings being stated in the Ithacan. Intercom is the most non-work related reading/quick scanning I can accomplish during a work day. Are these events being posted in the Intercom Top Stories and I am missing them? I know several co-workers that are staff members that feel the same way - communication seems to be limited to faculty and students. You apologized for the poor planning time for this event, so, I would respectfully request that during your planning in 2016 and beyond, the staff be included in the notification(s) of such events, when possible. May I suggest either campus wide emails or at least an Intercom "future announcement;" not the day of the event. And of course, this request is not just directed to you, but to any and all who plan such public conversations on campus. Thank you and Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to you and yours!


Diane (Dee) Green
Improving Communication Comment from sadamsdelaney on 12/18/15
Dee raises a good point about communication. Even before the events of this fall, students, staff, and faculty alike have commented on the difficulty of learning about different events and activities on campus, and especially about the limitations of Intercom as a communication method. For the short term, it might be helpful as part of Doc Richardson's charge to make all events regarding diversity visible on the "News" feed on the Diversity at IC page?