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Scholarship applications for 2016-2017 endowed scholarships within the School of Business are now available online!

Find scholarship applications and instructions online at:

Both undergraduate and graduate scholarship applications are due to the School of Business dean's office no later than 3:00pm on Friday, March 4, 2016. All materials for application (including letters of recommendation, personal statements, etc.) must be received by this date and should be attached to the application. As a reminder, the priority deadline for filing for financial aid is March 1st.

Any questions can be directed to: Maria Haner, Assistant to the Dean & Budget Coordinator, 305 Park Center, Email:, Phone: (607) 274-3341.

Also: are you a rising senior completing an internship for credit this summer? Be sure to apply for the Emerson Award by April 8th!

School of Business AY16-17 Endowed Scholarship Applications Now Available Online | 0 Comments |
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