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Want to Get Published? Friday is the last day to submit your writing and visual art to Stillwater!Contributed by Katie Marks on 02/11/16 Poets, artists, essayists, fiction writers, photographers, and anyone and everyone in between: Stillwater Magazine wants your work! As a student-run literary magazine, Stillwater provides student artists the opportunity to work closely with our editors to create polished, publishable writing and art. Plus there's the extra bonus of a publishing opportunity--which in and of itself is awesome, but also looks great on a résumé. Interested? Email your poetry, creative nonfiction, fiction, video essays, and visual art (if submitting writing, please send it in the form of a Word document or PDF) to by February 12th. For prose, we typically publish work within the range of a flash piece to a short story or essay of up to 15 pages. You are welcome to submit more than once to a particular genre (we especially encourage this with poetry and photography) as well as submit to multiple genres. We look forward to reading your work! |
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