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Ithaca College has had a programmatic partnership with Longview – An Ithacare Community for the past 16 years.  Longview is a retirement community located on Danby Road up from the College’s main entrance.  It is run by the Ithacare Center Service Company, Inc.


As part of the partnership between Ithaca College and Longview, a student board member position was created for the Ithacare Board a number of years ago.  This was created to provide a student with an educational and leadership opportunity and to encourage student input into aspects of the Board function that touch on the IC/LV Partnership.  There will be an opening for a student member for the academic year 2016-2017.


This position involves a one year commitment from June 2016 (students are invited, but not required to attend the June meeting) through April 2017 with attendance at Board meetings which are held every other month on Friday mornings from 8:00 – 10:00 a.m.  The first meeting the student member would attend would be in September.  These meetings are usually held on the 4th Friday of the month and the student member would attend in September and November 2016 and February and April of 2017.  Academic schedules are always a potential issue, but should there be a course conflict with any of the meetings, it is assumed that the student will contact the professor in question and request an excused absence from the class.


In addition to the Board meetings, it is anticipated that the student representative would also participate on at least one Board committee. These committees, which generally meet monthly, are subgroups to the board and address a variety of issues.  The committees are: Finance; Long Range Planning; Personnel; Development and Community Relations; and Program.    

Criteria for Selection of Student Board Member

  • Outstanding academic achievement
  • Professional interest in aging and/or older adults
  • Knowledge of/experience at Longview preferred
  • Ability to attend meetings

Procedure for Submitting an Application        

Interested students should send a cover letter outlining their interest in the position with an up-to-date resume that includes current GPA to Christine Pogorzala, the Ithaca College/Longview Coordinator.

If dropping off/using inter-office mail:   

Gerontology Institute
218 Job Hall

If mailing from off campus: 

Ithaca College Gerontology Institute
953 Danby Road
Ithaca, NY  14850-7002

Deadline for Applications:     Monday, February 15th  by 5:00 PM

Selection of Candidate

Applications will be reviewed by the Aging Studies faculty and the names of the top one to two candidates will be forwarded to Mark Macera, Executive Director at Longview.

Contact Person

Christine Pogorzala
Assistant Professor, Aging Studies
Ithaca College/Longview Coordinator




Opportunity to Serve as a Student Member on the Ithacare Board | 0 Comments |
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