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Phi Kappa Phi at Ithaca College has officially joined the wonderful world of social media!  We are proud to introduce our new Facebook and Twitter profiles to the members of our chapter.

Follow us on social media to receive convenient updates on various topics including:
•    Upcoming Phi Kappa Phi events on campus
•    Scholarship and grant opportunities offered by Phi Kappa Phi
•    Upcoming deadlines for various Phi Kappa Phi opportunities
•    Ithaca College Phi Kappa Phi inductees and honorees
•    News from National Phi Kappa Phi
•    Other perks of being a Phi Kappa Phi member

Click the links below to view these new profiles.


If at any point you have suggestions about new content you would like to see from us, please let us know by sending us a message directly.

Thank you,
Lisa Famularo & Samantha Guter
Phi Kappa Phi Student Vice Presidents

Ithaca College Phi Kappa Phi on Facebook & Twitter! | 0 Comments |
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