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The Ithaca College Board of Trustees charged Provost Rifkin to convene a task force to review and suggest changes to the structure of shared governance at Ithaca College.  In its resolution, the Board of Trustees asked that the task force consist of students, faculty, and staff.  The task force met for the first time on Thursday, January 28. The Task Force has decided that, in an effort to truly make this an inclusive process, we want and need the input from all members of the Ithaca College community.  

We have crafted a brief survey that will be helpful to us as we begin our work.  We value your input and appreciate you taking time to share your opinion in this brief survey.

Please take a few minutes to answer the 8 questions on this survey.  Your answers are anonymous.

The survey deadline has been extended to Monday, February 8 at midnight. 

Suggestions and questions to the Task Force can be sent via email to at any time. 

Updates on our work will be posted periodically to our website.

Thank you for your contribution to our work!

The members of the Shared Governance Task Force

Christy Agnese
Michael Buck
Charis Dimaras
Doreen Hettich-Atkins
Kyle James
Mary Knapp
Ciara Lucas
Chris McNamara
Dominick Recckio
Ben Rifkin

The Shared Governance Task Force Needs Your Input | 0 Comments |
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