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February 9, 10:30-11:00 am
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Most classes distribute a course syllabus that includes a daily or weekly schedule of readings, content, and in class and out of class activities and assignments. This webinar will demonstrate how you can use the Sakai Lessons tool to structure and organize your course materials that will make them easy to find for your students. You can link to and embed content and other media as well as link to Sakai Assignments, Quizzes, or forums.

*Technology-Enhanced Learning & Engagement (TELE) Collaborative: CFE (Wade Pickren, Judith Ross-Bernstein), Library (Lis Chabot), ITS (Marilyn Dispensa, Matt Gorney, Tony Tabone, Mary Jo Watts)

*TELE Webinar Series: Using the Sakai Lesson Tool to Complement your Syllabus | 0 Comments |
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