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Black History Month Updates

Contributed by RahK Lash on 02/01/16 

 Tonight's 2nd Chance Screening of the Black Power Mixtape is canceled. 


We encourage all members of the IC to support the following event.

February 2nd -Out of the Closet and Onto the Screen Film Series screening: "We Came to Sweat" Textor 103, 7PM (Sponsored by the Center for LGBT Education, Outreach & Services.)

Founded by an African-American for his gay community in 1962, the Starlite Lounge became a legendary pre-Stonewall safe-haven by catering to multiple generations of every race, creed, color and sexual orientation. When the survival of this Brooklyn-based black-owned LGBTQ institution came under threat nearly fifty years later, a passionate community mobilized. For patrons, the Starlite represents a family, a legacy, a safe haven, and a living history of the LGBTQ community. The document of their movement explores the matrix of gay visibility, race and economics in America.    


For more about Cultural Theme Month Celebrations at IC, please visit

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