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When: Thursday 2/4/16, 12:00pm - 1:00pm

Where: A&E Center VIP Room

Who: All Ithaca College staff members who are willing to listen openly, respect differing opinions, and to engage in discussion while sharing ideas and constructive feedback are encouraged to attend.


 During this session we will be asking staff to answer the following questions:

  1. With respect to the Action Items to Address Racism and Bias posted on, is there anything that you feel should be added, changed, or removed?  If so, what are your suggestions?
  2. Several of the Action Items for staff and administrators are tied to training and education.  What are some of the challenges that may arise, and how can we work to maximize the effectiveness of these efforts?
  3. Do you have any suggestions for the Board of Trustees, President, Vice Presidents, Directors, or Supervisors for how we can move forward to create a more inclusive, and welcoming community?  What can you personally do to help improve the campus climate, and what support will you need?

Staff Council will be using this feedback in conjunction with the results of our December survey to guide our efforts in working with the administration and other campus partners.  We ask that individuals planning to attend please RSVP by e-mailing as soon as possible so we are able to reserve a large space if needed.

Staff who are unable to attend this session may share their feedback through a form on the Staff Council website or by e-mailing

Thank you in advance for your constructive contributions in moving forward and working to improve the campus climate for all members of the Ithaca College campus community.


Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Staff Council Solution Session #2 - Racism and Bias - Please RSVP | 0 Comments |
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