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Get a closer look at SGA! Here are the minutes from our meeting on Monday, February 1st!
Ithaca College Student Government Association Senate Meeting Agenda Monday, February 1st, 2016 7:30pm – Clark Lounge
I. Call to Order.
II. Roll Call:
Absent: Atilla. Jonathan Gould. Lanise. Charles. Late:
III. Approval of the minutes. TJ Second: Sierra
IV. Guest Speakers
V. New Business A. Voting in of Senators 1. Tim o Class of 2017 o The biggest issue of our time is our ability to communicate with one another. o We don’t do enough discussion on how to handle the problems. o Been a senator in the past, last semester it was hard to do anything but handle his guide dog. o Wants to represent his class, he believes it is an important role. o I want to pass a campaign, through colleges against cancer, tobacco free IC. o With other schools taking this leap forward, why aren’t we doing anything about it. 2. Theo o Class of 2018 o Sophomore politics major, legal studies minor. o I want to make a difference at IC. o In regards to medical amnesty. o People feel the need to party and not slow down, our school as a community should have more than one amnesty for students who get drunk and high and do crazy things on the weekend. o I am on the mock trial team, I have familiar area working with people and groups o I want to tackle the food situation on campus. o I don’t like the way that they treat their employees and certain things that they do in the dining halls. 3. Mireya o English and writing major o Running for H&S Senator o We are underfunded at times o There is no connection there at the end. o No alumni at the end who come and give spirit and motivation to the current students at H&S. o It we make H&S as equivalently important as the Park, Whalen and Business school our school can go far. o Question: What organizations are you apart of? o Answer: Community Council, Writing, Floor Rep, hair and makeup artist. o Question: You talked about making H&S as important as other schools, any ideas of how to do that? o Answer: What I notice is how awesome the park school has connections, I think it would be pretty awesome if we found alumni in the H&S to do things like that with us. I wish and will work to bring more. 4. Emily o Double major in politics and writing o Running for H&S o Goals would be to alleviate the stress caused by the ICC for double majors. o I would try to work with the dean to make the ICC flow more smoothly. o I would like to work to get a big actual area of study into LGBT studies and Native Americans. o It is an issue that is kind of close to me, I would like to make sure we institute a major or minor in one or both of those studies. o Work to get the theatre arts studies to have their own school. o Question: H&S is a lot of different majors across the school, how would you go about representing that variation? o Answer: I have two large areas represented in politics and writing. I would try and reach out to everybody that I didn’t now before I make any move. 5. Irez o Park School o Journalism major o I have been immersed in the journalism major my entire life. o I come from a family of activism, I hold that high in my priorities o I want to represent park because of what it means to me, it is a symbol of passion. o What it has been doing for years is bring us together. o As the VP of my SGA in high school, I learned how to represent a large amount of people and balance advocacy as a leader. o I study public development and public representation. o I presented a thesis at Yale on public development. o Unity is something that we all need to tackle. o As the park senator I think I would be very capable to tackle that issue o Question: What extracurricular activities? o Answer: APAC, I do a lot of stuff at Cornell. o Question: What kid of bills would you want to put forward? o Answer: With bills I am not sure but with programs I think we need to see a lot of pluralism and diversity in the products that park produces. 6. James o Senator at Large. o My step father is the NY Physical Therapy association president and in the last couple of years he has created a lot of policy changes in the NY State and nationwide, he is my inspiration. o I am here a lot because of the situation last semester, the systematic miss information, the issues that evolved on campus, I think that SGA handled it well and I would’ve loved to be apart of it. o Sophomore. Discussion: Ø Dom: I will be interested to see; I did not know there would be two H&S candidates. Irez is awesome and a great choice for the park senator, he came to almost all of the value sessions and brought something new to the table every single time. He has shown a real respect for SGA and a real interest, I think he is a great choice. Ø Kyle: Between the two H&S Candidates I think they both would be great candidates. Emily definitely looked more as to what H&S does, Mary more talked about Alumni engagement, but SGA isn’t really in charge of that, a lot of her ideas were great for SGA as well. I would feel more comfortable with Emily. Ø Matilda: I agree, she also had very concrete things that she wanted to input as well, what I think is really important as well, we want to do more things and she knows what she is talking about. Ø Joseph: I agree with Kyle; I see Emily as the perfect candidate for that position. She is very precise, what she wants to do. Ø Carlie: I agree that they both will be really good additions to SGA, but I also agree about Emily, because she can continue the legacy Kyle James has started with LGBT. Ø Ekeza: James also did his research, he spoke about how the miss information, I like how he brought that up, because that is a key point Dom brought up in his bill. Ø Marieme: For H&S, I really liked them both. I think Emily is good for H&S seat but Mary has some great ideas too. Ø Matt: Theo and Tim have really good points, like Tim how he has experience with being senator before. Ø Ezeka: Theo had good points that I can agree with as well.
Motion to move to voting: Christie Second: TJ
Voting on senators:
Tim: Class of 2017 In favor: 7 Against: 0 Abstaining: 0
Theo: Class of 2018 In favor: 6 Against: Abstaining: 1
Emily: School of Humanities and Sciences In favor: 6
Mireya: School of Humanities and Science In favor: 0 Abstaining: 1
Irez: Park Senator In favor: 6 Opposed: 1 Abstaining: 0
James: Senator at large In favor: 6 Opposed: Abstaining: 1
Motion to move to continuing business: Ezeka Second: TJ
VI. Continuing Business A. LGBT Studies Bill Ø Meeting time: Friday at 2:00pm, in the Demot room. Ø If you want to be on the committee and haven’t gotten the emails raise your placards now. B. FAFSA Bill Ø I was going to meet with one of the chairs today, but this meeting didn’t let that happen so tomorrow we are having a meeting. Ø Will follow up with a meeting with financial aid office. C. SOTSA Bill Ø Update in officer report. D. Committees Representation Bill Ø Once we have updates. E. No Confidence Bill Ø No updates. F. Course Evaluations Ø No updates. G. Student Bill of Rights Ø The commission is being assembled and there will be opportunities to join it. Ø There will be an open invitation for senate members to join. H. Shared Governance Ø We are meeting in a rapid fashion to get something in front of the board of trustees, by the February meeting. Ø Fairly small committee, we just decided to add administrative assembly. Ø We started in the first meeting by setting some ground rules. Ø Focused on equitable governance. I. PEACE Bill Ø We met on last Wednesday, the engagement section of the bill. Ø We planned on to try to get all of the ALANA students on the email list.
Motion to move to officer reports: TJ Second: Christie
VII. Officer Reports A. Dom Ø Welcome all new senators, you are now voting members. Ø Since we have 5 new senators, if we can find a time with you all maybe next week before SGA to run a small orientation. Ø Will give you a chance to learn more about constitution, voting rules etc. Ø Sorry to everybody that I have been all over the place since we got back. Ø One request, I have heard a lot since I have been back on campus, referring to last semester as the situation and I am confused on campus as to why we have been doing that. There are a lot of specific things that happened last semester. Ø I think we should be specific about what we talk about. Ø I think it is in this group’s best interest to really name the things of last semester. Ø To new senators, feel free to ask any questions. B. Kyle Stewart Ø We 8 open seats, Class of 2017, 2016, Music school, grad school, varsity sports, club sports, transfer. Ø If you join communications committee, you will be part of a news letter. Ø Last year we did a weekly video called this week in SGA, we will start this up next semester. I would like a volunteer for tonight’s meeting. C. Matilda Ø Elect her is happening on February 21st. Ø It is a program that is designed to help women get elected on campus. Ø It teaches women to be more comfortable running for office. Ø Please register. D. Kyle James Ø I will tell new senators about duties. Ø Happy that the LGBT Bill is moving forward. E. Evan Layne Ø After a heavy December 8th meeting, we allocated over $50,000 dollars. Ø There are a couple spots open on the appropriations committee. F. Marieme Ø Senate orientation, I will be sending emails about that. Ø If you have some bill ideas, let me know. Ø We are looking for the senate this semester to get involved. Ø Laptops and phones are not allowed unless related to SGA. Ø Eboard stay after for quick meeting. Ø Attendance is important. Ø Take care of yourselves. G. Sierra Ø Next week the full board is coming onto campus. Ø Goals for the next 18 months. Ø Survey has been released to the entire campus community. Ø Committee member including myself will be presenting to the board next week. H. Matt Ø Thank you to those of you who came to the recruitment night.
I. Alexa Ø I met with Lima on Friday and will be meeting with Carrie, tomorrow to start moving forward on the semester.
Motion to close officer reports: TJ Second: Jonathan
Open Agenda: Ø 11:30 on Friday and they are hiring a new registrar and you can have a meeting with her and you can ask her questions, there is free lunch. You can be in the process of choosing.
Motion to adjourn: Irez Second: TJ
Call for acclamation.
End Time: 9:04 |
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