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Looking for a new way to get involved? Interested in a leadership position in a student organization? IC More Love Letters is looking for you!

IC More Love Letters is a campus chapter of The World Needs More Love Letters. Our goal is to spread more love around campus through hiding kind notes for people to find and writing personalized, encouraging letters to people who have been nominated to receive a love letter bundle. This semester, we will also be conducting our third annual IC Love at First Sight campaign — a campaign to write letters to the incoming class of first-years that they will read on their move-in day at Ithaca College in August.


We're looking for an outreach coordinator and a treasurer. ICMLL's outreach coordinator is in charge of maintaining and developing new relationships with external companies and people. The treasurer is in charge of all finance-related activities such as submitting budgets and managing our account information. All e-board members are required to attend a weekly e-board meeting and weekly general body meeting and are encouraged to post information and photos on the organization's social media profiles. The ideal candidate is dedicated and interested in maintaining a leadership position over multiple semesters. 

If you have any questions, please email Sabrina Knight at

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