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Please join us for a talk with: Professor Dan Briotta Ithaca College Department of Physics & Astronomy

Neutrino Oscillations, The Nobel Prize in Physics 2015

In 1998, Takaaki Kajita of the Super-Kamiokande Collaboration presented data showing that muon-neutrinos produced in the atmosphere by cosmic rays disappeared as they travelled from their point of origin to the detector. This implied that they had changed into a different type of neutrino. And in 2001/2002 the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) Collaboration, led by Arthur B. McDonald, published clear evidence for the conversion of electron-type neutrinos from the Sun into muon- or tau-neutrinos. This discovery that the three types of neutrinos can change into each other, and therefore must have non-zero masses, represents compelling experimental evidence for the incompleteness of the Standard Model as a description of nature. 

Tues., Feb 9 - CNS 204 @ 12:10 p.m. CNS 204

Pizza and Refreshments will be available for $1.
Please bring your own cup. Remember to Recycle, Reuse, Reduce.


Professor Dan Briotta, Ithaca College Department of Physics & Astronomy, gives a talk for the Spring 2016 Physics Seminar Series | 0 Comments |
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