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 Are you concerned about a student?  Consider an ICare Referral

Are you worried about a student in distress? 

Is a student behaving in a way which makes you concerned?

Are you aware of a student who is withdrawn or who appears unusually sad/anxious/angry?

Have you noticed a student whose academic work or class attendance has significantly declined? 

Do you feel that something is wrong with a student but you are unsure what to do? 

The ICare Team can help. 

The Ithaca College Awareness, Response, and Education Team assists students who may be struggling with academic, emotional, or health related problems. 

If you are concerned about a student, please consider a referral to the ICare Team via completion of the online ICare Report.

The ICare Team acknowledges that it may be hard for a student in distress to ask for help or to know where to turn to for help.  The ICare Team offers students who are struggling support, guidance, and help to stay on track towards academic success and avert more serious difficulties. 

Please view the ICare Team’s website for further information on ICare Processes, how to best help a student in distress, and to view a list of Behaviors of Concern that you are encouraged to report to the ICare Team. 

Ithaca College cares about the wellbeing, health, and safety of all students and empowers Ithaca College community members to do the same.


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