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Interested in learning more about study abroad programs?? London program??

The IC Student Anthropological Society and Department of Anthropology host an evening of students presenting their fieldwork experiences around the globe.

Thursday Feb. 18 at 7pm in Williams 218. Dinner and dessert will be served. 

As part of World Anthropology Day we celebrate the accomplishments of anthropology majors in the field. Students will discuss the programs they participated with and offer anthropological insights.

** Alison Armour -- Peru SIT Modern Tourism at Ancient Sites

** Geneva Faraci -- Morocco SITWhere the Sun Sets

** Shannon Lipe -- Vietnam SIT Where Culture and Globalization Collide

** Courtney Leo-- IC London Walking Tour Ethnography: Exploring Street Art Subculture in London’s East End

** Theo Weatherby and Alison Siegel -- IC Hawai`i Cultural Revitalization and Giving Back in the Field 

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Brooke Hansen at or (607) 274-1735. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

REPORTS FROM THE FIELD -- Anthropology students share their experiences 2/18 @7pm | 0 Comments |
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