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It’s free and going live on March 8, 2016 from 7-8PM EDT.  Register at

Sox Sperry, Project Look Sharp’s primary curriculum writer, will lead participants on a participatory exploration of lessons covering media representations of global warming and climate change.  This kit is available free and online at:

The webinar will offer Middle and High School educators, community educators and teachers-in-training pedagogical techniques and curriculum materials to support a deeper understanding for how to use a wide variety of media documents that:

• support content teaching about climate change

• examine  media representations of global warming related to media literacy concepts of credibility, bias and impact

• encourage strong sense critical thinking by asking questions about all media messages, not just those with which we may disagree.    

Sperry will examine media literacy goals analyzing authorship, accuracy and sourcing.  He will explore ways to use different media representations of climate change as a means to teach common core ELA skills in writing to develop claims, supply evidence and analyze conclusions. 

Participants will leave the interactive webinar with handouts, lessons, connections with other educators, and other tools to immediately integrate media literacy into curriculum design.  

For more information and to register for the webinar go to:  (
You can email us at or contact us by phone at (607) 274-3471.

This webinar will be archived on the Project Look Sharp webinar site for those who cannot participate during the live event.


Project Look Sharp is Ithaca College’s Media Literacy Initiative. Project Look Sharp supports the integration of critical thinking through media literacy in school curriculum and teaching. They do this through developing and providing lesson plans, media materials, training, and support for educators at all education levels. The purpose of media literacy education is to help individuals of all ages develop the habits of inquiry and skills of expression they need to be critical thinkers, effective communicators, and active citizens in today’s world.





Join Project Look Sharp’s next webinar, “Teaching About Climate Change Using the Tools of Media Literacy.” | 0 Comments |
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