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SGA Minutes Meeting 2/8/16

Contributed by Dominick Recckio on 02/11/16 

Get a closer look at SGA! Here are the minutes from our meeting on Monday, February 8th!




Ithaca College Student Government Association

Senate Meeting Agenda

Monday, February 8th, 2016 7:30pm – Taughannock Falls Room




I.                              Call to Order.


II.                           Roll Call:



Late:  Jonathan Couce
Left Early:


III.                        Approval of the minutes.


Second: TJ



IV.                      Guest Speakers


V.                         New Business

A.       Appropriations Committee Vote

·             James Flynn

·             As a business student I am interested in the money but especially at a private college which is expensive.

·             Campus community is an important aspect for me.

·             A big part of our campus community is our clubs, and funding them correctly.

·             Understanding what should be funded and what shouldn’t be.

·             I would love to be part of the process.

·             Questions:

¨         Is there anything that stood out to you as interesting?

¨         Yes, I found it interesting that we wouldn’t fund water and how ithacapella, doing a co-sponsorship and how much money we could save by doing that.

¨         What skills/knowledge could you bring to appropriations?

¨         A lot of it I haven’t been able to look over the handbook but as a business student I have done very well in accounting and am hoping to take those skills in.

·             Discussion:

¨         After last week being voted in on the senate, he showed his interest in appropriations committee and he came to the meeting and was engaged the entire time.

¨         He seems like he is passionate about it.

¨         I think it is great that he is a business student and he can use the skills he is learning in a classroom in an actual sense.

Motion to move to voting: Seandre

Second: TJ

·             Voting

·             In Favor: 12

·             Opposed: 0

·             Abstentions: 2

B.       Interim Campus Affairs Vote

·             Matilda is the nominee.

·             Interim VP of campus affairs.

·             She will be presenting her platform.

·             The reason why I am interested is because Dom and I had talked about this a lot and it just seems like a really good fit for me.

·             I care a lot of this campus.

·             I read the Ithacan cover to cover.

·             I am really involved in a lot of clubs.

·             There are a lot of initiative in the works last semester

·             Elect Her was one of them.

·             Combating sexual assault on campus and getting off campus houses and res life involved.

·             Getting campus ready for 2016 elections, so everyone knows how to register to vote.

·             Making sure everyone has the opportunity to be engaged.

·             The big one that I was beginning to look into was getting a program of open textbooks on campus, they are free online textbooks for students.

·             I think what students pay for textbooks is a lot.

·             Open textbooks are a really good way to give professors and students that option.

¨         What are your plans for engaging students?

¨         RHA and getting RAs involved. Having floor programs, getting poster boards up as well.

¨         How will you prioritize?

¨         I would say my number one is getting campus ready for the election. I already have ideas I am working on. Second would be combat on sexual assault. Third would be the programs of Elect her, LGBTQ and ALANA.

¨         What skills or experiences from your activism will help you in this position?

¨         Last spring, I took a semester off and did a paid internship working at Rutgers University I helped engage students in organizing their own political campaigns, my whole internship was dedicated to talking to students and helping them be more engaged. I am good with working with students, admin, prof etc. I have good planning and time management skills.

¨         Tell me more about open textbook program.

¨         There are a couple options, there is a website called open stacks, it has probably the biggest amount of open textbooks that are already online. A grant program to have professors go out and research it themselves.

·             Discussion:

¨         I can say that she seems very qualified.

¨         She would be a good fit, what she mentioned about SGA working with RHA is really helpful.

¨         I think she fits well, I like the elections and sexual assault ideas.

¨         I also think that she is highly qualified for the position my only issue was getting her to this spot, for me it was unconstitutional in the beginning, I think that a lot of the senators didn’t get the opportunity to work on these projects. 

¨         She brought up working with RHA, RHA would love to work with her, in this position and one thing that may have been misleading, was when she said working with RHA to tell RAs, RHA is not a group of RAs. I think she would be a great fit for this position.

¨         What transpired over winter break and beyond was unconstitutional as the constitution is written, I didn’t realize the senate had to vote in an interim. We chose Matilda, we had a lot of great discussion to figure out how wrong we were, this is a fresh start, starting over, we did have votes as an Eboard, we included four students in those votes.

¨         My issue was that from the start, senators outside of the main group of people weren’t considered, I felt that moving forward would be a dishonest way of moving forward, I think it would be unfair if we took someone previously biased for and made them interim, I want everyone to think about what that means.

¨         Let’s clarify that she is a nominee.

¨         This nomination is all constitutional.

¨         When you are voting try not to hold the bias against her, vote based on her qualifications.

¨         The interim is only about 2-3 weeks.

¨         The way that Marieme is running the process right now is the most constitutional it has been.

¨         I think Matilda is more than qualified for the position, but I was under the impression, that there was a unanimous vote from the Eboard, would be a reason why I would abstain, but if it is based on qualification then I won’t abstain.

¨         You should vote based on what impact this vote will have on IC and on you.

¨         In considering outside applicants from SGA, it opened up the scope of the search. Bringing someone in with a fresh perspective is able to revitalize a team.

¨         I was worried mostly about potential nepotism; I think she is very qualified I was just worried about that.

¨         The mistakes have been made already, this does not exist outside of those mistakes, I have owned up to a lot of those constitutional mistakes. I would say that the dynastic nature is something to think about, but I will also say my original reason for unconstitutionally choosing her was because of her voice in the senate, and she looks at issues in a really productive manner and she cares so much. 

¨         To me she seems incredibly well qualified, I also think it is important to mention how hard you guys are trying to make sure this is right and fair. I think it is important that people realize that it should negate the worries people have.

¨         Don’t punish Matilda for the mistakes that the Eboard made. We have owned up to them.

¨         She can be the new voice.

¨         Maybe seeing another nominee would also be better.

¨         That is where the permanent search comes in.

¨         I think what we need is a short term and someone who understands everything.

¨         As interim she has the full responsibilities of that position.

Motion to move to voting: Joseph

Second: Jonathan

·             In favor: 7

·             Against: 8

·             Abstaining: 0

VI. Continuing Business

A.       LGBTQ Studies

¨         Met last Friday

¨         We are going to try and meet weekly

¨         If you are interested, just talk to me. 

¨         It will be a long process.

B.       FASFA

¨         No update.

C.       STOSA

¨         We will film I have an update after 21st.

D.       Student Bill of Rights

¨         Looking at building a student rights commission.

¨         I think we will meet noon times, Tuesdays and Thursdays.

E.        Shared Governance

¨         Meeting Wednesday with the Board of Trustees.

F.         PEACE Bill

¨         Were at the final format of the bill thank you to Marieme.


Motion to close continuing business: Ezeka

Second: Atilla



Officer Reports:



-               Org Sync

-               I am envisioning a great system on the Colleges student clubs.

-               Tomorrow starts the Board of Trustees on campus.

-               Kyle and I will be at the board’s first meeting on Wednesday morning.

-               We are also meeting with the board with faculty council and staff council about the presidential search.

-               There is going to be a search for a new chief diversity officer.

-               Shared governance is happening.

-               Senators please start work shopping some bill ideas.


Kyle Stewart:

-               Communications committee, I want to finalize the member I have on it.

-               I had two assistants last semester, I lost them, I am looking for new assistants.

-               I will be putting up application for that.


Kyle James:

-               Academic senators should have gotten an email for me about APC scheduling and meetings.

-               Garett and I meet tomorrow about SGA scholarships, those will be out in the future. Consider being part of the SGA scholarship committee if you will not be applying for the scholarships.

-               One is SGA Merit scholarship and one is a Margret Reed Scholarship.


Evan Layne:

-               Last week was relatively busy.

-               AAA are huge planners.

-               Fall funding process happens sometime in April.



-               Sent out emails to new senators about meeting with me.

-               Potentially doing a workshop of the process of a bill.

-               Application for VP of Campus affairs I will be working with Kyle on that tonight.

-               We will be looking more into the Interim position as well.

-               Lanise resigned, her seat will be open.

-               Class of 2019 senator is opened.

-               Being active in the meetings is very important.

-               Take care of yourselves.

-               Hopefully next meeting we will be having an excel sheet to get everyone’s club information.

-               We are looking to be inclusive.



-               Alumni Board is coming to campus on February 26th.

-               They want to gain perceptive from students, staff and faculty.

-               They will be having lunch with STAT and thought of possibly having it with the SGA Eboard as well.



-               We funded brothers for brothers last week.



Motion to move to open agenda: Irez

Second: Jonathan


Open Agenda:

-               Adding more outlets to the library.

-               I just wanted to follow through with my push for diversity in the park school, I found out that there was an Israeli film festival at the park school.

-               Final steps deciding who the next registrar will be.

-               Middle states, a lot of times were changed, days of the weeks were changed, I am trying to hunt down an accurate list of what time middle states committees will be open.

-               Next Tuesday, the 16th RHA is having an event, Hot Chocolate social. 7-9pm IC Square.



Motion to close open agenda: Ezeka

Second: Irez


Motion to close meeting: Joe

Second: Emily



Call for acclamation

End Time: 9:07

SGA Minutes Meeting 2/8/16 | 0 Comments |
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