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Tickets for The Lover are free but reservations are required. To reserve tickets, e-mail and indicate a first and second choice of performance date and time. All tickets are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis, and must be picked up at least 15 minutes before the scheduled start of the performance. Performance times are 8:00pm on Saturday, February 20th, 2:00pm and 8:00pm on Sunday, February 21st and 8:00pm on Monday, February 22nd. All performances will be held in Studio 2 in Dillingham Center. The Lover is part of the student-led, Senior Directing Project series.

How does one fuel the flame of passion when the passing of time serves to dampen the fire? In this artfully alluring piece, lovers tip-toe upon the increasingly blurred line between love and lust, as cracks begin to form in a long-standing relationship.

Pinter’s famed pregnant pauses and omissive writing style induce a smoldering sense of tension as the unpredictable interactions build. Director Jordan Friend '16 reflects, saying, “The really engrossing thing Pinter does with the play is that he gives you just enough to sense that something is amiss, or not exactly as it seems, but also withholds enough that you’re constantly leaning-in looking for the answers. So he sort of turns it into a ‘married life’ spin on a detective story.”

The cast of The Lover includes, Emily Loewus ’16, Noah Ruff ’17, Will Thames ’18, and Steph Seiden’18.

The Lover’s artistic staff includes director Jordan Friend ’16, stage manager John Fortunato ’16, assistant director Kiefer Harrington ’17, lighting designer Scott Halstead ’16, scenic and costume designer Shivanna Sooknanan ’18, scenic and costume designer Megan Parker ’18, and assistant stage manager Jackie Romeo ’18.

Dillingham Center proudly accommodates all patrons. Individuals with special needs are asked to contact (607) 274-3224 to request accommodations as soon as possible. Audiences are advised that the production contains sexual content. 

The Department of Theatre Arts will present Harold Pinter’s darkly funny play, The Lover. | 0 Comments |
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