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SGA Meeting 2/15/16 Minutes

Contributed by Dominick Recckio on 02/18/16 

Get a closer look at SGA! Here are the minutes from our meeting on Monday, February 16th!




Ithaca College Student Government Association

Senate Meeting Agenda

Monday, February 15th, 2016 7:30pm – Taughannock Falls Room




I.                              Call to Order.


II.                           Roll Call:


Absent:. Charles Kane

Late: Jonathan Couce
Left Early:


III.                        Approval of the minutes.


Second: TJ


IV.                      Guest Speakers


V.                         New Business

A.       VP Campus Affairs Interim

¨         Luis

¨         Good options, I have always educated my time for ensuring equity for everyone

¨         Safe productive space for everyone as possible

¨         Come to understand the intersectionality that exists on campus

¨         Desires that wish to change on Ithaca campus

¨         Current semester, started working in office of student engagement and multicultural affairs

¨         Shown me ropes of internal affairs that exists on this campus

¨         Help him learn ways to learn the student body even more

¨         Hope to be able to work to make students feel like they don’t need to protest

¨         Don’t want students to feel silenced

¨         Want to make sure I can help as many students as possible

¨         Questions:

o   What are three things you would be interested in working on initiative wise?

o   Answer: Race, I also mentioned intersectionality, when we are discussing race issues, it should be what if someone is a black woman who identifies as queer. An issue I take personally is mental health. Make sure it isn’t effecting someone’s learning.

o   What year are you?

o   Answer: Sophomore

o   What inspired you to run for this potion?

o   Well I wanted to get involved next year, but I feel like I’ve been really involved behind the scenes and I want to find a way to get involved in the actual structural policies.

o   How did you hear about this?

o   Evan Layne

¨         Discussion:

o   I think the fact that he wanted to join next year anyways and he is joining now, I think it is good, he will definitely hit the ground running.

o   I think he is well qualified, I like his range of leadership positions.

o   I think he is really qualified for the permanent position.

o   One of the most important parts of VP of campus affairs is that there is a meeting that happens with campus leadership. It had been hard to keep a consistent presence there; I want to make sure we have more of an SGA presence there.

o   He brings in a different perspective.

o   From hearing his speech, I think he is qualified to an extent.  

o   He is outside most of our groups which is why he brings in a different perspective.

Motion to vote: TJ

Second: Seandre

            In favor: 11

            Opposed: 0

            Abstaining: 1


Motion to move to continuing business: Joseph

Second: Attila


VI.                      Continuing Business

A.       LGBT Studies

¨         Expect more out of me this week.

B.       State of Student

¨         By Monday we will have a draft to show rest of Eboard.

C.       No Confidence

¨         Responsibility has been given to the Eboard and all of SGA to select students to be put forward to sit on presidential search committee for next president.

¨         This has to be started by March 1st.

¨         We were encouraged by board members that this is the most inclusive process that they could possibly run.

D.       Course Evaluations

¨         On faculty council’s list of things to talk about.

¨         Not high on the radar.

¨         If someone else is passionate about this let me know and you can take it on.

E.        Student Bill of Rights

¨         Carlie has a doodle that we will figure out by the end of this week.

F.         Shared Governance

¨         Committee met this morning, they will likely be coming into SGA for presentation at some point.

¨         We will be trying to get things out to the public about what we are doing.

¨         Goal is to have a lot of listening sessions before spring break.

Officer Reports:



¨         Next week, on Monday night, the provost will be here presenting with myself and a staff member and a faculty member on new policy change, not meal plan, or dining hall.

¨         Treat this policy as important.

¨         Be prepared to actively engage.



Kyle Stewart:

¨         I will send out doodle tonight.

¨         Going to be sending out permanent application for VP of campus affairs.


Kyle James:

¨         Scholarship committee.

¨         What I need is at least 6 senators to volunteer for this committee, if you are a current senior or first year, you are not eligible to apply for this.

¨         Student Government Scholarship need at least a 3.6.

¨         If anyone is interested or knows for sure they don’t qualify for it let me know if you want to be on the committee.


Evan Layne:

¨         Had a relatively busy week last week.



¨         Next meeting, we will have provost.

¨         We are going to go over bill processes, go over how to do it and pair people up so you guys can work and create it.

¨         All new senators meet with me after meeting.

¨         Applications for the Permanent VP Seat will go out tonight and will be due in a week.

¨         I will send an email out to senators when that goes out.



¨         Trustees were on campus last week.

¨         My tenure ends in May, so I will begin the search soon.

¨         You have to be on campus for two years.

¨         If you are not interested in the position but are interested in committee let me know.



¨         Next Tuesday, we have a guest speaker at RHA. Presentation on IC Mentor connect.

¨         Between 8:15 and 8:30.



¨         The Alumni Board meeting that was supposed to occur on February 26th, only 6 people were able to attend, therefore as of right now it is being moved to Friday May, 20th starting at 9:00 am.

¨         I have a meeting with Carrie tomorrow.


Motion to move to open Agenda: Jonathan

Second: Emily


Open Agenda:

¨         Dom: I want to open up the floor for questions about Shared Governance.

¨         What things or areas have you seen that would’ve been better if there had been shared governance?

¨         IC 2020, the strategic planning part of it, was done in a non shared way, it wasn’t transparent, the problem became that the community didn’t buy into the plan. If you take a couple steps back, things like SGA specific, when SGA passes a bill we don’t have a clear destination for that bill, often times it gets shuffled around campus, or sits in the SGA office. There has been a real lack of engagement from students and staff in processes in governing the college.

¨         African Latino Society banquet is on Saturday.

¨         We did end up canceling the Elect Her conference.


Motion to close open Agenda: Joe

Second: Jonathan



Motion to adjourn meeting: Emily

Second: Tim



Call for acclamation.

End Time: 8:38

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