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At its February meeting, the Ithaca College Board of Trustees granted emeritus status to 4 former faculty members and awarded promotions and tenure to 17 current faculty members.

  • Donald Lifton, who passed away on Dec.5, was posthumously named professor emeritus of management.
  • Stephen Clancy, who retired in 2015, was named professor emeritus of art history.
  • Roger Hinderliter, who retired in 2014, was named professor emeritus of economics.
  • Kent Scriber, who retired in 2015, was named professor emeritus of exercise and sport sciences.

The following faculty members were awarded tenure and promoted from assistant to associate professor:

Department of Media Arts, Sciences, and Studies
Joshua Bonnetta

Department of Environmental Studies and Sciences
Jacob Brenner
Christopher Sinton

Department of Communication Studies
Donathan Brown

Department of Health Promotion and Physical Education
Laura Campbell

Department of Writing
Susan Adams Delaney

Department of Art
Dara Engler

Department of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology
Skott Freedman Jones
Yvonne Rogalski

Department of Art History
Jennifer Germann
Paul Wilson

Department of Philosophy and Religion
Serge Grigoriev

Department of Biology
Maki Inada

Department of English
Christopher Matusiak

Department of Anthropology
Jennifer Muller

Department of Computer Science
Douglas Turnbull

Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences
Justine Vosloo

Ithaca College Board of Trustees Grants Tenure, Promotion and Emeritus Status | 0 Comments |
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