The Roy H. Park School of Communications invites you to a series of events in March focusing on women in media.
Events include:
The Empowerment Project
Screening and Q&A with the Filmmakers
Thursday, March 3, 7:30 p.m., Park Auditorium
Emmy Award-Winning filmmakers Sarah Moshman and Dana Michelle Cook created a documentary that shines light on positive female role models. This event is funded as part of the Park Distinguished Visitor Series through generosity of the Park Foundation.
Media for Social Responsibility Mini-Course
2016 Topic: Women Working Behind The Scenes
March 3 and 4 from 7:00-10:00 p.m.
March 5 from 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Meet the women whose faces are invisible to television and movie audiences, but whose impact on the final production is enormous. Guest speakers both in-person and via Skype. GCOM 20008, 1 credit. Registration required. All IC majors welcome.
Women in Media Panel
Tuesday, March 8, 12:10-1:00 p.m., Park Auditorium
Women make up the majority of students in the Park School – but not in the media industry! Please join the Park School of Communications as we host a panel of distinguished female media alumnae faculty and staff to discuss these issues. Keynoter and panel chair will be Cindi Berger ‘83, Chairman and CEO, PMK*BNC Public Relations & Marketing who represents such media giants as Barbara Walters, Robert Redford, Mariah Carey and the Dixie Chicks.
Women in Media Screening, Special Guests, Reception
Tuesday, March 8, 5:00-7:00 p.m.
The Studio, first level of Center Ithaca, Ithaca Commons
Come join The Studio to Celebrate Women in Media! Students will present their films and other media projects. Shuttle service will be provided by Dean Gayeski and friends.
Jessica Savitch Award of Distinction for Excellence in Journalism
Friday, March 18, New York City
Barbara Walters will be honored. Limited space available. Contact Dean Diane Gayeski if interested.
Women in IT Panel
Thursday, March 24, 10:00-10:50 a.m., Campus Center, Kling Lounge
An Ed Tech Day Event, Hosted by DIIS
In-depth seminar about the role of women in information technology (IT) and how a diverse workforce makes a more effective working environment.
The Landscapes of New Media: The Habitats Exhibition
Thursday, March 31, 2:35-4:00 p.m., Park 281
Feminist critical analysis and screening of media about and by women presented by Dr. Claudia Pederson, Wichita State University and Assistant Curator of New Media for FLEFF.
Special thanks to our co-sponsors IC Women in Communications, The Studio, and Women Empowered.
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Park School Dean's Office at or (607) 274-1021. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.
Nationally recognized leaders in IT form Pace University and Bates College will share their thoughts and insight. March 24th at 10 in Kling.
There will be an open discussion immediately following the seminar in the McDonald Lounge.