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We are writing to you with exciting news: the office of Residential Life and the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures are collaborating on a new Residential Learning Community called “La Casa!”

Introducing a new Residential Learning Community: La Casa!

La Casa, featuring Vecinos and Amici, is a language learning community for students who want to practice and expand their knowledge of Spanish & Italian languages and culture. Both heritage and non-native speakers are encouraged to participate in this community. Any student who enjoys experiencing and learning more about Spanish and Italian customs and cultures will find La Casa a great opportunity! Special features of this community include: Language Immersion Hours, Karaoke, Trips to Museums/Shows, Dance Nights, Cultural Dinners, Language Dinners, Game Nights, Films, and opportunities to interact with language faculty.

La Casa is located on the first floor of Terrace 5 and is open to all upper-year students (Sophomores – Seniors). For more information, please visit:  We would love your support as we create this awesome living and learning community – please spread the word to friends and classmates who may have an interest!

To apply, please complete the La Casa application on Homerconnect by March 7th ( Residential Life will approve applications on March 9th and by March 10th at 7am, students approved to live in a Residential Learning Community (RLC) will be able to select their housing for 2016-2017. For sophomore applicants, this means selecting housing before the typical summer sophomore selection process.

For questions, please contact Jacqueline Robilotta, Assistant Director for Residential Education, (607) 274-3141 or

Apply NOW to the Spanish and Italian Residential Learning Communities! Deadline approaching. | 0 Comments |
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