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Patricia Zimmermann, professor of screen studies and codirector of the Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival, has published Open Spaces:  Openings, Closings, and Thresholds of International Public Media (University of St. Andrews Press, Scotland: 2016).

Jan-Christopher Horak, Director of the UCLA Film and Television Archive, wrote the preface.

With dynamic, short, exploratory essays, Open Spaces: Speculations on Openings, Closings and Thresholds in International Public Media, posits a provisional theoretical concept of “opening” in independent documentary and experimental work. 

It examines archives, conferences, convenings, festivals, film, installation, media cultures, new media, performance, symposia, and video art in China, Guinea, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Singapore, USA.

A heterogeneous mosaic of people, places, practices, technologies, and ideas, this book asks: Where are the open spaces where technology, people, politics, and dialogue meet? Where are these provisional zones for independent public media? Where do people, places, and technologies converge?

The essays in this book derive from her Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival blog, Open Spaces, as well as her work as a Film and New Media Envoy for the US State Department.

Patricia Zimmerman publishes book on International Public Media | 1 Comments |
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Patricia Zimmerman publishes book on International Public Media Comment from abarlas on 02/26/16
Congratulations, Patty! What wonderful news!