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Park AdVenue's biannual advertising competition is March 5th at 12! Anyone can sign up (you do not have to be in Park AdVenue or the Park School). Sign-ups are available here: 

 Park AdVenue's biannual event, Creative Crunch, is coming soon! Details are below. Sign-ups are available here:

Create your teams and SIGN UP ASAP. The event is March 5th at noon!

What is Creative Crunch? 
It is an advertising competition available to all students (you do not need to be in Park AdVenue or the Park school). Each team has 2 hours to create an advertising campaign for a brand that will be announced at the time of the event. The advertising campaign includes 2 print advertisements and 1 creative execution. Teams will pitch their campaign to a panel of judges who work in the field of advertising and can give constructive feedback. 

Why should you sign up? 
1. Free food will be provided
2. Prizes (such as gift cards) are given to the winning teams
3. Some teachers in the Park School give extra credit for participating
4. It looks GREAT on a resume
5. It's an opportunity to connect with professionals in the field
6. It's great practice for creating advertisements
7. It's tons of fun!

Please keep your team size between 2 and 5 people. Creative Crunch will be located in the Park Auditorium. Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Kevin Zeosky at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

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