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Posted on behalf of president Tom Rochon

Dear Ithaca College Community:

Shortly after announcing my plans to retire in July 2017, I began working closely with the college leadership team and the board of trustees to review our strategic direction to the extent necessary to ensure a smooth leadership transition.

To identify the initiatives we would be focusing on during my remaining months as president, we evaluated a number of interconnected questions:

  • What initiatives are realistic for us to accomplish in my remaining time at IC?
  • Which existing priorities must we as a college community continue to move forward for our short-term well-being while preparing us for long-term challenges?
  • At what point should certain initiatives be put on hold to allow a new president the greatest flexibility in stewarding IC’s mission and vision?

I am pleased to share a summary of the initiatives, which will remain posted on IC’s Strategic Vision & Current Initiatives website. The areas of focus that we have outlined may look familiar to many of you. Indeed, they are not new but instead represent refinements in the scope of work toward which, with your help and commitment, we have already been making progress.

With your help and commitment, we have already made significant advances toward these goals. We will be sharing much more detail about our progress on the website in the months ahead.

This is a transitional period, one that is an important part of our continuing celebration of the past, navigation through the present, and preparation for the future. I am looking forward to continuing our work together in the next 18 months.


Tom Rochon

Areas of Focus for Ithaca College Leadership | 0 Comments |
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