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Come stop by the North Foyer in Phillips Hall TODAY from 11 AM -1:30 PM  to pick up your very own challah from IC Challah for Hunger! 

Flavors include regular, cinnamon sugar, everything, garlic rosemary and more!!! Prices range from $1-$5 depending on size. ALL proceeds will be donated to Food Bank of the Southern Tier and Mazon: A Jewish Response to Hunger!

IC Challah for Hunger is an on campus club that allows you to meet new people, improve your braiding/baking skills, enjoy delicious challah bread, and most importantly raise awareness for social justice issues. We meet every Thursday at 6PM in the Terraces bakery. Have no fear! You don't need to be Jewish or have ANY braiding/baking skills to join!

If you would like to get involved, please email Be sure to like us on Facebook  and follow us on Instagram @ICchallahforhunger. We would love to acquire new members!

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact IC Challah For Hunger at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Come Buy Delicious Challah and Support a Great Cause! | 0 Comments |
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