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Submitted on Behalf of Robert Sullivan, Faculty-in-Residence of the Center for Faculty Excellence:

Congratulations to the 51 students who have been selected to participate in the 2016 National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) in Asheville, North Carolina on April 7-9, 2016.

NCUR is the largest and most prominent celebration of undergraduate research in the world. Each year NCUR gathers young scholars from hundreds of institutions of higher learning and from every corner of the academic curriculum, creating a unique environment for the recognition of undergraduate student achievement.  Ithaca College is proud of the fifty-one students, representing a wide variety of programs, who will be presenting their original scholarly work at NCUR.

Students, listed below by school and major program, will be accompanied by Associate Professor Robert Sullivan, Communication Studies, Professor Gwen Seaquist, Legal Studies and Professor Nancy Brcak, Art History.

School of Business
Nicole Ang, Legal Studies
The Evolution of Claims against Government and Law Enforcement Agencies in Domestic and Family Violence
Susie Brancaccio, Legal Studies
Warfare and Whales: The aftermath of Winter v. NRDC and the Role of National Security Interests in Resolving Environmental Disputes
George Clause, Legal Studies
Hemp, Not Cotton--Addressing the Agricultural Crisis by Cash Crop Examination
Samantha Cripe, Legal Studies
Teacher Speech Rights
Jose Escano, Legal Studies
Legalization of Marijuana in Colorado: Legal and Political Ramifications
Alexandra Hoffman, Legal Studies
Trustees and Breach of Fiduciary Duties
Nicholas Lomanto, Legal Studies
Unionization of College Athletics
Kayla Plummer, Legal Studies
The Need for Restructuring the Animal Welfare Act
Samantha Shaffer, Legal Studies
The Fourth Amendment at Private and Public Universities
Sean Themea, Legal Studies
From Pirate Ships to Poker Machines: A History of Civil Asset Forfeiture in the United States

School of Music
Marci Rose, Music Theory
Transformation in "La Mamma Morta" 

School of HSHP
Thomas Anania, Kinesiology & Exercise Science
Sagittal Plane Hip and Knee Displacement during a Drop Vertical Jump is Highly Correlated as Captured by Handheld Tablets 
Maggi Calo, Kinesiology & Exercise Science
Reliability of Mainstream Tablets for 2D Analysis of a Drop Jump Landing 
Tara Condon, Kinesiology & Exercise Science
Influence of dorsiflexion range of motion on Star Excursion Balance Test reach distances 
Rachelle Sartori and Jaimie White, Health Sciences & Public Health
An Evaluation of Collegiate Campus Tobacco Policy
Jamie Kronenberg, Health Sciences & Public Health
Lower Extremity Kinematics and Kinetics Displayed by Individuals with Adolescence Idiopathic Scoliosis during Vertical Jump: A Pilot Study

School of H&S
Margaret Butler, Anthropology & Archaeology 
Determining the Origins of Perinatal Skeletons in the Johns Hopkins Fetal Collection
Erica Moriarty, Anthropology & Archaeology
Affordable Housing in Ithaca, New York: History, Availability and Restraints
Shannon Lipe, Anthropology & Archaeology 
Crafting the Future: Applying a Niche Tourism Approach to the Preservation of Thanh Ha Ceramic Village in Central Vietnam 
Michael Rizk, Architecture & Interior Design
The Relationship between Architecture and Violence in the Middle East 
Erika Bucior, Biology 
Assessing the Physiological Responses of Brassica Rapa to Nutrient and Drought Stress 
Emily Conklin, Biology 
Evolution and Characterization of Vertebrate Neuropeptides
Adriana Morales, Biology 
Pollination Biology of Scaevola Plumeri in Viegues, Puerto Rico 
Andrew Rodenhouse, Biology
Defining Regions of CART Gene Expression in the Larval Zebrafish Brain via Monoaminergic Landmarks 
Siera Rosen, Biology 
Mas Receptor Expression Following Myocardial Infraction in the Guinea Pig Cardiac Ganglion 
Omar Chaarwi, Chemistry 
Oligomerization of the PB1 Domain in Auxin Signaling 
Kayla Plummer, Chemistry 
Toward Cheaper and More Efficient Perovskite Compounds
Connor Shea, Chemistry 
The Effects of Cationic Substitution on Aqueous Stability in Methylammonium Lead Iodide Photovolatics 
Emelia Breen, Communication Studies 
Transitional Cuba 
Jordan Cowell, Communication Studies 
Kairos and Crisis: Failure to Meet the Rhetorical Situation of a Racial Crisis of Ithaca College 
Natalie Dionne, Communication Studies 
Advocating with and for the Indigenous: SOPHIA, the Can Gujjar People, and the Indian Forest Rights Act of 2006
Xavier Edwards, Diversity Studies 
"Is it because I'm___________": Analyzing the Factors Between Brutality, Bullying, Race, and Urbanicity
Brandon Stern, Economics
Interest Rate Projections 
Nathan Antonacci, Education
Figures and First Years: How first-year Calculus I students are incorporating figures into technical reports
Claire Cahoon, English 
A Search for Recognition: Merging Postcolonial and Feminist Readings of James Joyce's "The Dead" 
Victoria Chamberlin, Environmental Studies & Sciences
Repeat Photography for Monitoring Landscape Change: The Case of Ithaca College Natural Lands 
Matthew Finegan, Environmental Studies & Sciences 
Effect of Emerging Contaminant Exposure on Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas) Predator Avoidance 
Stephanie McCulloch, Environmental Studies & Sciences 
Microbial Safety of Aquaponic Produce 
Caitlyn Patullo, Environmental Studies & Sciences 
The Effects of Carbamazepine and Caffeine on Juvenile Fathead Minnow Swimming Behavior 
Sarah Schmidlin and Megan Archino, Environmental Studies & Sciences
Food Chain Analysis of Microbeads on Daphnia magna and Fathead Minnows (Pimephales Promelas)
Nathaniel Spilman, Environmental Studies & Sciences 
Solar Power: Making Renewable Energy Mainstream in the United States
Madeleine Anthony, History 
United States' Foreign Policy towards the Starving Armenians: Guilty of Hiding Evidence of a Genocide 
Kaleb Cabisca, History 
Conflict on the Left: The German Revolution of 1918-1919
Joshua Greenfield, History 
Shifts in the United States Pop-Culture through Deceptions of the Solider in Cinema Before, During and After the Vietnam Period
Irene Howard, Philosophy & Ethics 
How Sherlock Can Be a Barista, and Still Be Sherlock: A Study in Fan Fiction 
Tessa Lewis-Polsky, Political Science 
Reduction in Sex Trafficking through Demand-end Aimed Education 
Nathan Leslie, Psychology 
Robotic-Assisted Locomotion Enhances the Directed Looking and Pattern Recognition 
Kathryn Long, Psychology 
Robotic-Assisted Locomotion Enhances the Development of Executive Function in Young Infants 
Katelyn McKeighan, Psychology 
An Examination of Undergraduate Online Survey Data Quality
Richard Gaunt, Religious Studies 
Re-visioning Liberation: Ambedkar Dalit Buddhism, and Soteriology 


51 Students Selected to Present at National Conference of Undergraduate Research (NCUR) | 0 Comments |
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